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Writing Custom Sample Parsers¶
This recipe demonstrates how to write a custom SampleParser and use it to add samples in your custom format to a FiftyOne Dataset.
If you haven’t already, install FiftyOne:
[ ]:
!pip install fiftyone
In this receipe we’ll use the TorchVision Datasets library to download the CIFAR-10 dataset to use as sample data to feed our custom parser.
You can install the necessary packages, if necessary, as follows:
[ ]:
!pip install torch torchvision
Writing a SampleParser¶
FiftyOne provides a SampleParser interface that defines how it parses provided samples when methods such as Dataset.add_labeled_images() and Dataset.ingest_labeled_images() are used.
itself is an abstract interface; the concrete interface that you should implement is determined by the type of samples that you are importing. See writing a custom SampleParser for full details.
In this recipe, we’ll write a custom LabeledImageSampleParser that can parse labeled images from a PyTorch Dataset.
Here’s the complete definition of the SampleParser
import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.utils.data as foud
class PyTorchClassificationDatasetSampleParser(foud.LabeledImageSampleParser):
"""Parser for image classification samples loaded from a PyTorch dataset.
This parser can parse samples from a ``torch.utils.data.DataLoader`` that
emits ``(img_tensor, target)`` tuples, where::
- `img_tensor`: is a PyTorch Tensor containing the image
- `target`: the integer index of the target class
classes: the list of class label strings
def __init__(self, classes):
self.classes = classes
def has_image_path(self):
"""Whether this parser produces paths to images on disk for samples
that it parses.
return False
def has_image_metadata(self):
"""Whether this parser produces
:class:`fiftyone.core.metadata.ImageMetadata` instances for samples
that it parses.
return False
def label_cls(self):
"""The :class:`fiftyone.core.labels.Label` class(es) returned by this
This can be any of the following:
- a :class:`fiftyone.core.labels.Label` class. In this case, the
parser is guaranteed to return labels of this type
- a list or tuple of :class:`fiftyone.core.labels.Label` classes. In
this case, the parser can produce a single label field of any of
these types
- a dict mapping keys to :class:`fiftyone.core.labels.Label` classes.
In this case, the parser will return label dictionaries with keys
and value-types specified by this dictionary. Not all keys need be
present in the imported labels
- ``None``. In this case, the parser makes no guarantees about the
labels that it may return
return fo.Classification
def get_image(self):
"""Returns the image from the current sample.
a numpy image
img_tensor = self.current_sample[0]
return img_tensor.cpu().numpy()
def get_label(self):
"""Returns the label for the current sample.
a :class:`fiftyone.core.labels.Label` instance, or a dictionary
mapping field names to :class:`fiftyone.core.labels.Label`
instances, or ``None`` if the sample is unlabeled
target = self.current_sample[1]
return fo.Classification(label=self.classes[int(target)])
Note that PyTorchClassificationDatasetSampleParser
specifies has_image_path == False
and has_image_metadata == False
, because the PyTorch dataset directly provides the in-memory image, not its path on disk.
Ingesting samples into a dataset¶
In order to use PyTorchClassificationDatasetSampleParser
, we need a PyTorch Dataset from which to feed it samples.
Let’s use the CIFAR-10 dataset from the TorchVision Datasets library:
import torch
import torchvision
# Downloads the test split of the CIFAR-10 dataset and prepares it for loading
# in a DataLoader
dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(
classes = dataset.classes
data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1)
Downloading https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-python.tar.gz to /tmp/fiftyone/custom-parser/pytorch/cifar-10-python.tar.gz
Extracting /tmp/fiftyone/custom-parser/pytorch/cifar-10-python.tar.gz to /tmp/fiftyone/custom-parser/pytorch
Now we can load the samples into the dataset. Since our custom sample parser declares has_image_path == False
, we must use the Dataset.ingest_labeled_images() method to load the samples into a FiftyOne dataset, which will write the individual images to disk as they are ingested so that FiftyOne can access them.
dataset = fo.Dataset("cifar10-samples")
sample_parser = PyTorchClassificationDatasetSampleParser(classes)
# The directory to use to store the individual images on disk
dataset_dir = "/tmp/fiftyone/custom-parser/fiftyone"
# Ingest the samples from the data loader
dataset.ingest_labeled_images(data_loader, sample_parser, dataset_dir=dataset_dir)
print("Loaded %d samples" % len(dataset))
100% |███| 10000/10000 [6.7s elapsed, 0s remaining, 1.5K samples/s]
Loaded 10000 samples
Let’s inspect the contents of the dataset to verify that the samples were loaded as expected:
# Print summary information about the dataset
Name: cifar10-samples
Persistent: False
Num samples: 10000
Tags: []
Sample fields:
filepath: fiftyone.core.fields.StringField
tags: fiftyone.core.fields.ListField(fiftyone.core.fields.StringField)
metadata: fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.metadata.Metadata)
ground_truth: fiftyone.core.fields.StringField
# Print a few samples from the dataset
<Sample: {
'dataset_name': 'cifar10-samples',
'id': '5f15aeab6d4e59654468a14e',
'filepath': '/tmp/fiftyone/custom-parser/fiftyone/000001.jpg',
'tags': BaseList([]),
'metadata': None,
'ground_truth': 'cat',
<Sample: {
'dataset_name': 'cifar10-samples',
'id': '5f15aeab6d4e59654468a14f',
'filepath': '/tmp/fiftyone/custom-parser/fiftyone/000002.jpg',
'tags': BaseList([]),
'metadata': None,
'ground_truth': 'ship',
<Sample: {
'dataset_name': 'cifar10-samples',
'id': '5f15aeab6d4e59654468a150',
'filepath': '/tmp/fiftyone/custom-parser/fiftyone/000003.jpg',
'tags': BaseList([]),
'metadata': None,
'ground_truth': 'ship',
We can also verify that the ingested images were written to disk as expected:
!ls -lah /tmp/fiftyone/custom-parser/fiftyone | head -n 10
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 10002 voxel51 wheel 313K Jul 20 10:34 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 voxel51 wheel 128B Jul 20 10:34 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 voxel51 wheel 0B Jul 20 10:34 000001.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 voxel51 wheel 0B Jul 20 10:34 000002.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 voxel51 wheel 0B Jul 20 10:34 000003.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 voxel51 wheel 0B Jul 20 10:34 000004.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 voxel51 wheel 0B Jul 20 10:34 000005.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 voxel51 wheel 0B Jul 20 10:34 000006.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 voxel51 wheel 0B Jul 20 10:34 000007.jpg
Adding samples to a dataset¶
If our LabeledImageSampleParser
declared has_image_path == True
, then we could use Dataset.add_labeled_images() to add samples to FiftyOne datasets without creating a copy of the source images on disk.
However, our sample parser does not provide image paths, so an informative error message is raised if we try to use it in an unsupported way:
dataset = fo.Dataset()
sample_parser = PyTorchClassificationDatasetSampleParser(classes)
# Won't work because our SampleParser does not provide paths to its source images on disk
dataset.add_labeled_images(data_loader, sample_parser)
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-a3d739e371af> in <module>
5 # Won't work because our SampleParser does not provide paths to its source images on disk
----> 6 dataset.add_labeled_images(data_loader, sample_parser)
~/dev/fiftyone/fiftyone/core/dataset.py in add_labeled_images(self, samples, sample_parser, label_field, tags, expand_schema)
729 if not sample_parser.has_image_path:
730 raise ValueError(
--> 731 "Sample parser must have `has_image_path == True` to add its "
732 "samples to the dataset"
733 )
ValueError: Sample parser must have `has_image_path == True` to add its samples to the dataset